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Naz'jar Ravager

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MobNaz'jar Ravager
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Gender Female
Race Naga centaur (Humanoid)
Level 30-35 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Naz'jar
Location Throne of the Tides
Status Killable

Naz'jar Ravagers are naga centaur located in the Throne of the Tides.


  • Inv ammo arrow 04.png Acid Barrage — Fires of barrage of acidic bolts, inflicts 71410 Nature damage instantly and 10986 Nature damage every 1 sec for 3 sec.
  • Ability creature poison 05.png Volatile Acid — The caster fires a bolt of Volatile Acid, inflicts 192258 Nature damage and knocks back players within 8 yards of the impact area. The Volatile Bolt leaves a pool of Volatile Acid at the location that inflicts 41198 Nature damage every 1 sec to players standing in the area.
  • Ability hunter cobrashot.png Volatile Bolt — The caster fires a bolt of Volatile Acid, inflicts 192258 Nature damage and knocks back players within 8 yards of the impact area. The Volatile Bolt leaves a pool of Volatile Acid at the location that inflicts 41198 Nature damage every 1 sec to players standing in the area.

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