Naz'jar Honor Guard

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Main article: Lady Naz'jar (tactics)
MobNaz'jar Honor Guard
Image of Naz'jar Honor Guard
Gender Male
Race Naga (Humanoid)
Level 30-35 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Throne of the Tides
Original model in the Throne of the Tides.

Naz'jar Honor Guards spawn during the Lady Naz'jar boss fight in Throne of the Tides.

They are also seen in Shimmering Expanse and Abyssal Depths.


  • Ability warrior cleave.png Arc Slash — Deals 150% weapon damage in a 5 yard cone in front of the caster. This effect cannot be dodged, blocked, or parried.
  • Ability druid challangingroar.png Enrage — Increases the caster's attack speed by 50% for 1 min.


  • Enrage is an Enrage buff that can be offensively dispelled.




This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

It is possible that they are the Naga Royal Guards.

Patch changes

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