Mudsnout Gnoll

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MobMudsnout Gnoll
Image of Mudsnout Gnoll
Race Gnoll (Humanoid)
Level 7-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Mudsnout
Location Nethander Stead, Hillsbrad Foothills[65, 60]
Status Killable

Mudsnout Gnolls are gnolls found around Nethander Stead in the Hillsbrad Foothills, which they seem to have taken over for the use of growing their Mudsnout Blossoms.


  • Spell nature sleep.png Sling Mud — Tosses mud into an enemy's eyes, reducing its chance to hit by 50% for 15 sec.

Notable loot

Objective of

Patch changes

External links

es:Gnoll Morrobarro