Mouth of Kel'Thuzad

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Scourge Invasion
The subject of this article or section was part of the Scourge Invasion, a two-time world event that heralded the opening of Naxxramas in patch 1.11.0, and the opening of Northrend in patch 3.0.2.

The Mouth of Kel'Thuzad was an unseen entity that did a series of zone-wide yells during the first Scourge Invasion.


Can you feel it, pathetic creatures? The pall over this land is but a precursor. Soon your precious holdings will be in our grasp! You will fall before the might of the Scourge!
Cower before our might! Flee! There will be no victory for the living!
As you fall in battle, we continue to grow in strength. There is only one inevitable outcome. Prepare for your end!
Invasion spawns
Forward, my minions! Forward! Let none stand in our way!


Patch changes

External links