Mouse Rescuers

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NeutralMouse Rescuers
Start Agrul [46.9, 79.6]
End Yarren [51.0, 74.1]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Zaralek Cavern
Experience 71,350
Rewards  [Farmhand's Abundant Harvest]
15x [Flightstones]
56g 18s
Previous N [70] An Unfriendly Confrontation


Agrul's (former) employer and sniffing mouse thief.

Kill Malrogg.


I feel bad for everything I did working for Malrogg. He was just so big and scary, I never felt like I had a choice...

<Agrul slowly shakes his head.>

No more excuses. We need to get that sniffin' mouse back home to Yarren.

I was never strong enough to take on Malrogg alone. But you... You can save Persii.


You will receive:


Did you find that drogbar?


I can't thank you both enough for saving Persii!


Head inside the cave to find Malrogg:

Malrogg says: Back off, brul! This sniffin' mouse is mine!

Defeat him:

Malrogg says: Stinkin'... mousie...

Return outside to catch up with Agrul and Persii:

Agrul says: I'm finally free of Malrogg's threats. Thank you.
Agrul says: Persii! Wait for us!
They run off.
Persii, Yarren, and Agrul

Return to the Hermit's Hovel:

Yarren says: You brought Persii back home?
Agrul says: Yeah. I never wanted to help Malrogg. But I... I was scared of him. I'm real sorry, Yarren.
Agrul says: I know you've got no reason to trust me. But I'd still like to be your farmhand... if you'll have me.
Yarren says: It was a brave thing you did, standing up to that bully and saving my mouse. I'm grateful for that.
Yarren says: Well... I suppose I could use a hand around here. Persii's a good sniffer, but she ain't much use for lifting heavy things!
Agrul says: I won't let you down!

On complete, Agrul walks off. He has new gossip once he makes it back out into the pasture:

Gossip Do you like being a farmhand?
Yarren's a lot nicer than my last boss.
He's grumpy sometimes, but he's never cruel like Malrogg was. And he makes sure I've had enough to eat before I go work in the field!
I think Yarren actually likes having me around. You know how I know? He says that Persii's gotten attached to me.
Anyway, the work is hard, but it makes me feel good. Like I'm really helping someone. Making up for the bad stuff I did before.
At least, I hope I am.


  1. N [70] Mouse Detective
  2. N [70] Agrulculture & N [70] Sporemoth Exterminator
  3. N [70] A Friendly Introduction
  4. N [70] An Unfriendly Confrontation
  5. N [70] Mouse Rescuers

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