Mounting Curiosity

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NeutralMounting Curiosity
End Norukk
Level 60-70
Category Iskaara Tuskarr

Mounting Curiosity becomes available at Renown level 7 with the Iskaara Tuskarr.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv glyph minormage.png [Highland Drake: Bushy Brow] Inv glyph minormage.png [Highland Drake: Multi-Horned Head]
Inv glyph minormage.png [Highland Drake: Spiked Cheek]


While gnolls remain the primary focus of my research, I'm very curious about the recently returned dragons as well.

After intense study and observation, I began jotting down my notes on the subject. It's nowhere near complete, but when it is, I'm sure it will be a helpful guide to you.

In the meantime, would you like to look at one of my other manuscripts? I've started to trade them for items that will help continue my studies, so if you would like to learn more, visit me again!

Patch changes

External links