Mother Volaz

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MobMother Volaz
Image of Mother Volaz
Gender Female
Race Imp mother (Demon)
Level 8-45 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Fel Hammer, Mardum
Status Killable / Alive

Mother Volaz is an imp mother located at the Fel Hammer on Mardum. When the Burning Legion attacked the Fel Hammer, Volaz was released, immediately attacking her Illidari jailers. She was killed by the combined efforts of the Slayer, Kor'vas Bloodthorn, Lady S'theno, and Seer Akalu.[1]


  • Ability warlock empoweredimp.png A Mother's Love — The caster belches foul liquid at a random enemy that leaves behind a Noxious Cloud. Players that stand in the cloud suffer 9 Nature damage every 1 sec.
  • Ability warlock empoweredimp.png A Mother's Love — Inflicts 200 Nature damage to the target every 1 sec.
  • Trade engineering.png Rain of Imps


  • As she was killed in Mardum, a world that exists in the Twisting Nether, she should be killed for good. Despite this, she still appears in the Illidari's class hall following the quest, which may be an oversight. Alternatively, she could have been badly wounded during the fight against the Illidari.

Patch changes


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