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Morgrum's Extended Survey

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AllianceMorgrum's Extended Survey
Start Excavator Morgrum Emberflint
End Excavator Morgrum Emberflint
Level 35-60
Category Zuldazar
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 7th Legion
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [35-60] Archaeological Efficiency, A [35-60] Morgrum's Survey & A [35-60] Xibalan Ecology
Next A [35-60] Not Our Purple Elves & A [35-60] Grand Theft Telemancy


Assist Excavator Morgrum Emberflint with a survey.

  • Speak to Excavator Emberflint in the ruins
  • First survey started
  • First survey complete
  • Second survey started
  • Second survey complete
  • Third survey started
  • Third survey complete


I've looked over the readings my little boxes gave an' I think I know where to look next. The Ashes of Xibala are practically mine.

Ye'll want to meet me in the middle of the ruins, under that big ol' leerin' skull on the mountainside, to continue my survey.

Readin' these contraptions is hard work, an' I don't think we'll be alone up there.

Think ye can watch me back?


You will receive:


That no good dirty ash-thievin'--!!

We're goin' after her, <name>.


On accept
Excavator Morgrum Emberflint says: The needle points east. I'll meet ye in the ruins, <name>.
Speaking with Morgrum
The survey pointed to these ruins. The Horde camp is just down the hill to the northeast, so we best get in an' out as quick as we can.
We'll get the Breath of Xibala before they can, I guarantee it.
Speak when ye be ready to start surveying.
Gossip I'm ready.
Excavator Morgrum Emberflint says: Stay close. The Horde be lurkin' nearby. I can smell 'em.
Excavator Morgrum Emberflint says: It's a little more floral than I expected. Did they get a new flavor o' elf?
First started
A Nightborne Saboteur attacks.
Excavator Morgrum Emberflint says: It's not here. And it looks like it be Nightborne after us t'boot. Joy of joys.
Two saboteurs attack.
Excavator Morgrum Emberflint says: We're gettin' closer. Just keep those murderin' mana-chuggers off me, <name>.
Three saboteurs attack.
Excavator Morgrum Emberflint says: It's right under me feet... where...?
Third Telemancer Syranel says: Too slow, dwarf.
Excavator Morgrum Emberflint says: Och! That's a dirty trick!
Excavator Morgrum Emberflint says: Is that a sail on the horizon? They might be makin' a deal with the Zandalari.
Excavator Morgrum Emberflint says: ... Suppose we ought to interrupt it, aye?


  1. A [35-60] The Thrill of Exploration
  2. A [35-60] Archaeological Efficiency, A [35-60] Morgrum's Survey & A [35-60] Xibalan Ecology
  3. A [35-60] Morgrum's Extended Survey
  4. A [35-60] Not Our Purple Elves & A [35-60] Grand Theft Telemancy

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