Moonglade wildkin

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NeutralMoonglade wildkin
Moonkin Festival.jpg
Main leader Neutral  Makkaw
Secondary leaders Neutral  Dramock
Neutral  Pewkew
Neutral  Astralaire
Race(s) Wildkin Wildkin
Theater of operations Moonglade
Language(s) Unknown
Status Active

The Moonglade wildkin are a tribe of wildkin that inhabits Moonglade. They are training the next generation of wildkin in activities such as dancing, casting [Moonfire], and sleeping. Thus, each year they celebrate the Moonkin Festival, inviting adventures from all around Azeroth to teach them how wildkin develop.[1]

During these occasions, the festival would be threatened by an invasion of satyrs. With help of an adventurer, they would help a moonkin develop by feeding it, save one of their druids who was poisoned by them, and ultimately deal with their leader to save the festival.





  1. ^ N [1-70] Moonkin Monitoring