Monstrous Energy

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AllianceMonstrous Energy
Start Joma
End Joma
Level 10-60
Category Tiragarde Sound
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Tortollan Seekers
Rewards 23g 40s
Next A [10-60] The Perfect Horse, of Course


Collect 6 Pulsating Extract from Venomscale Slitherers in Rockskip Falls.


Have you ever heard about eel juice? I don't know if it's safe for <race>s like you, but tortollans love it! It gives us a burst of energy, and puts a spring in the step of even the oldest tortollan.

I saw some eels to the north of the estate when we were traveling. Can you go collect some of their venom for my dad?


You will receive:


My dad will be so excited when he sees his favorite drink!


Oh boy oh boy! He's gonna be pumped!


Optional breadcrumbs: A [10-60] The Norwington Festival, A [10-60] The Glory of the Hunt

  1. A [10-60] The Stoat Hunt & A [10-60] Bolas and Birds & A [10-60] An Element of Danger
  2. A [10-60] Runaway Rider
  3. A [10-60] Following Eddie's Trail & A [10-60] Saurolisk Escape & A [10-60] Troublesome Troglodytes
  4. A [10-60] The Lord's Behest
  5. A [10-60] Be Our Guest
    1. A [10-60] Safety First & A [10-60] Lucky Charm & A [10-60] Monstrous Energy
    2. A [10-60] The Perfect Horse, of Course
  6. A [10-60] Beginner Equitation
  7. A [10-60] Show Me What You've Got (optional)
  8. A [10-60] Equine Retrieval
  9. A [10-60] No Party Like a Trogg Party & A [10-60] Mountain Sounds
  10. A [10-60] Best In Show

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