Mogu Massacre

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NeutralMogu Massacre
Start Li Li Stormstout
End Li Li Stormstout
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Kun-Lai Summit
Experience 17,850
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [50] Kite Surveillance
Next N [50] Our Backs to the Gate


Slay mogu in Kun-Lai Summit.

  • (0-100%)


I think this is what my friends would call a "'target rich environment." As a nicer way of saying "we're surrounded and probably doomed."

You know what this means. We have to kill as many of these mogu as possible! It doesn't matter how you do it, just take them out!


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 17,850 XP


How many mogu did you get? A lot? Please say a lot.


That's a lot of mogu down. Hopefully that will thin their ranks enough for us to get out of here.


Revive a Drained Yak
The yak bumps you with its head in thanks.


  1. N [50] Mogu at the Gates
  2. N [50] Kite Surveillance
  3. Take all the quests offered and do them in this order:
  4. N [50] Our Backs to the Gate
  5. N [50] Liquid Courage
  6. N [50] Return to Mistfall

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