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Miner Operation

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AllianceMiner Operation
Start Chief Miner Theock
End Ordnance Handler Prim
Level 10-60
Category Tiragarde Sound
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Proudmoore Admiralty
Rewards 19g 40s
Previous A [10-60] An Overrun Mine
Next A [10-60] Rock Meet Dynamite


Locate Civil Technician Alena and Ordnance Handler Prim.


The mine is in real trouble. We've been excavating for a short while, but never seen anything like this. Azerite doesn't just get up and walk around.

If we are going to take the mine back, we're going to need more help. We'll need an engineer and an explosives expert. I have two in mind, sisters actually, but they are caught behind the river in all the chaos.

Locate the sisters and they'll help you with the next phase of the plan.


You will receive:


Good. We're all here.


Pick up A [10-60] Pinch of Azerite before heading out.


Can't you see I'm a little busy? This place is in shambles. I don't have the workforce nor the materials to get this under control.

Gossip Theock wants to retake the mine.

Civil Technician Alena says: Take the mine back? We're going to need help. Find my sister and meet me outside the mine!


Grab a crate, we got to get this stuff out of here while we still have a chance.

Gossip Theock wants to retake the mine.

Ordnance Handler Prim says: We're retaking the mine boys! Grab all the dynamite you can carry and lets head out! Meet us at the store house outside the mine. We'll talk more there!

Find both of them in the small building just outside the mine. Prim, for whatever reason, is holding a lit stick of dynamite!

Some people say handling explosives is dangerous work. I'd say they are bang on.

Gossip Are you holding a lit stick of dynamite?

Oh, don't worry. It's a special slow fuse I designed. It only goes off when I'm bored with a conversation.
So... Boom.



Optional breadcrumb: A [10-60] An Overrun Mine

  1. A [10-60] Miner Operation & A [10-60] Pinch of Azerite
  2. A [10-60] Rock Meet Dynamite

Patch changes

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