Metok's Bubble Bock

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Metok's Bubble Bock is the April brew from the Brew of the Month Club.


This is only available to members of the Brew of the Month Club, which can only be joined during Brewfest.

All members of the Club get free sample of the brew in their in-game mail at start of April. Should you want more, your local Brew of the Month Club Brew Vendor sells it in stacks of six till the end of April.

On the first of April, members receive the following in game mail:

Because You Asked For It/Because You Demanded It

Greetings <name>,

   We've heard that some of our members wanted a brew that was a little more light and bubbly. We've tried to tell them this isn't the "Champagne of the Month Club." Unfortunately, that didn't stop the demand. Hopefully this month's brew will satisfy those that want a lighter and more bubbly brew.

   Don't forget, if you enjoyed this sample, it is available for purchase from our vendors.


- Brew of the Month Club


A Brew Bubble as big as a dwarf!

Like any weak alcohol, this makes you slightly drunk. Also, like all Brew of the Month brews, drinking one of these will create a  [Empty Brew Bottle] that can be targeted and thrown.

Special effect of this brew is chance to get "Bloated: You feel bloated." buff for 5 min. While the buff is up, your character will breathe small bubbles, and removing the buff spawns a large "Brew Bubble".

Patch changes

  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.2.0 (2013-03-05): Letter heading switched.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.3.3 (2012-02-28): Letter heading changed from "Because You Demanded It" to "Because You Asked For It".
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Letter heading changed from "Because You Asked For It" to "Because You Demanded It".
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14): Added.

External links