Meditation on the Light (dwarf)

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For the human version, see A IconSmall Human Male.gifIconSmall Human Female.gif Priest [2] Meditation on the Light.
AllianceMeditation on the Light
Start Branstock Khalder
End Branstock Khalder
Level 2 (Requires 2)
Category Priest
Race IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Dwarf
Class Priest Priest
Experience 85
Reputation +50 Ironforge


Find a memory of the past inside of a chest at the trogg camp near Anvilmar. Then, kneel at the Altar of the Light within Anvilmar to meditate on the light, and use the memory to learn a new ability. Afterwards, speak to Branstock Khalder.


The Light has shown me your future, <name>, fighting the Troggs to the southwest. Within a chest, you will find a memory of the past. Once you acquire it, return here and kneel before the Altar of the Light. Meditate on its mysteries.

When you have focused your thoughts, you will be able to make sense of this memory and learn a new technique. Speak to me when you have done this.


You will receive:


What has the Light revealed to you, <name>?


As the Light reveals more visions to you, you can always meditate at sacred sites to clear your thoughts and contemplate these mysteries.

I have also foreseen that your path will lead you to commune with our elven allies in Kalimdor. Learning more about their curious moon-worship rituals may help us someday lead them to the Light as well.

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