Maw of Souls (quest)

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AllianceMaw of Souls
Start Muradin Bronzebeard
End Bodrick Grey
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Type Raid
Category Hellfire Citadel
Experience 30,140 XP
Rewards [Apexis Crystal] (1000)
61g 60s
Repeatable Weekly
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [40R] Maw of Souls.


Defeat Gorefiend in Hellfire Citadel.


Falling into the heart o' the mausoleum in Auchindoun, Teron'gor gorged upon hundreds o' draenei souls, becoming a bloated abomination in the process.

No longer recognizable as an orc, Teron'gor gave up his old name and has taken on the mantle of Gorefiend.


You will receive: 61g 60s


I hope you make Gorefiend pay for his atrocities.


That was some kind of monster, wasn't it?

Patch changes

External links