Mauler (lynx)

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No image available
Gender Male
Race Lynx
Location Unknown
Status Deceased
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

The Mauler was a springpaw lynx, rumored to have developed a taste for elven flesh many years before the Great Wars. He was chosen by Lireesa Windrunner as the target of Alleria Windrunner's test to become the Ranger-General of the Farstriders. His known territory ranged from Goldenmist Village to Farstrider Enclave. Alleria's task was to find him, slay him with a single arrow, field-dress it, and bring the pelt back to Lireesa before the last ray of light faded.

Alleria found him and fired an arrow, but it only enraged the lynx, which then injured Alleria. As she held onto a tree, Mauler prepared to attack. Her sister, Sylvanas found him, as he was about to attack the wounded Alleria, so she quickly took the kill from her sister, by firing an arrow through the lynx's right eye. This action left Alleria in disbelief.[1]
