Matthias Darkwall

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NeutralMatthias Darkwall
Image of Matthias Darkwall
Title <Repairs>
Gender Male
Race Void elf (Humanoid)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Vendor
Location Skytop Observatory, Waking Shores
Status Alive

Matthias Darkwall is a void elf vendor located at Skytop Observatory in the Waking Shores.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Blacksmithing, engineering, and mining
Item Cost
 [Mining Pick] 1s 29c
 [Blacksmith Hammer] 1c
 [Primal Flux] 15g
 [Arclight Spanner] 9s 47c
 [Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor] 1g 40s
 [Smudged Lens] 32g 50s

Patch changes

External links