Matron Morana

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MobMatron Morana
Image of Matron Morana
Gender Female
Race Matron (Undead)
Level 60 Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Heartsbane Coven
Location Upper Corlain, Drustvar
Status Killable

Matron Morana is a matron located in Upper Corlain in Drustvar.


  • Spell arcane prismaticcloak.png Despair — A wave of deathly energy emanates from the caster, inflicting Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards.
  • Ability creature disease 05.png Drawn to Death — Draws all nearby enemies inward
  • Ability priest surgeofdarkness.png Dread Mark — Marks the enemy with a dread-inducing curse, inflicting Shadow damage every 1 sec. Upon expiration, the mark explodes, inflicting Shadow damage to all enemies within 6 yards and applying Lingering Dread.
  • Ability priest surgeofdarkness.png Lingering Dread — The lingering effects of the Dread Mark remain, inflicting Shadow damage every 1 sec.
  • Spell fire twilightrainoffire.png Rain of Decay — The caster rains down bolts of decaying energy, inflicting Shadow damage to all enemies within 4 yards of the impact point. Additionally, each impact leaves a pool of Decaying Ground, which inflicts Shadow damage to all enemies standing within them.
  • Spell shadow painspike.png Ruinous Volley — Fires bolts of crippling energy at all enemies, inflicting 5 Shadow damage.


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