Master Nguyen

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NeutralMaster Nguyen
Image of Master Nguyen
Title <The Five Sorcerers>
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Sorcerer
Location Jade Forest
Status Alive

Master Nguyen is one of the five sorcerers that are found around Pandaria. According to Master Nguyen, the sorcerers have been wandering since the days of Lei Shen, passing the secrets of their order from generation to generation. He will not tell you what the secrets are and he does not know where the other sorcerers are as he no longer remembers. He says that they may very well be dead or may have been replaced by their pupils.

Also, he has the buff Inv misc gem crystalcut 01.png The Power of the Storm and has an air of electricity around him at all times.



My order has long wandered these lands, lending aid where we can. Ever since the days of Lei Shen there have been five of our order, passing the secrets of our order from generation to generation.

Gossip What secrets?

If I told you... it would not be called a secret, now would it?
Gossip I want to ask something else.

Gossip Five sorcerers?

I no longer remember where the others are. Indeed it has been so long since we last saw each other the others may very well be dead, or replaced by their pupils. I can only have faith that there are still five of us left.
Gossip I want to ask something else.


  • <The Five Sorcerers> might be referencing to ancient eastern mythology where there are five guardians with four each representing the different elements and one representing the earth. Considering he can be found at Windspire Bridge and there being four major temples and his storm buff, this is very plausible.
  • Master Nguyen's Hearthstone card is a tribute to the late Dan Nguyen, one of the first members of the Hearthstone development team.[1]


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

He may be related to Tina Nguyen.


Patch changes


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