Marked Champion

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NeutralMarked Champion
Start Storul Heavystone [45.0, 83.3]
End Storul Heavystone [45.0, 83.3]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Zaralek Cavern
Experience 11,900
Rewards  [Champion's Rock Bar]
10x [Flightstones]
56g 18s
Previous N [70] Rock By Rock


Daughter of the underground, she has the ability to mark great champions.

Receive Carcaxas's mark.


You did good on Storul's challenge, but that does not make you a champion like him.

To get on my level, you have to lift the greatest rock--not a real rock, a spirit one.

You must face what every drogbar fears... and venerates! You must be blessed by the Carcaxas, The Great Daughter-Worm.

But only bestow her mark on those who are DETERMINED and don't FEAR SMELLING BAD!

Are you ready to take on this challenge? CAN YOU DO IT, BRUL!?


You will receive:


Did you get your blessing from The Great Daughter-Worm? No?

You're not visualizing hard enough. See yourself beating Carcaxas. Now go!


<Race>! I can smell Carcaxas's mark upon you.

The Great Daughter-Worm made you a champion like me! Strorul can tell you are stronger. You SMELL stronger!

Now you can lift every rock in your path. Remember to stay focused. Greatness requires constant physical and mental strength. One day you'll be as great as Storul. That is the Glimmerogg way!

And don't forget--we spotting partners now. See you in the gym next weekend.


Carcaxas is above the waterfall to the south, inside a cave guarded by Dorogg, the beast feeder. He has gossip:

Halt! Who goes there?
... An uplander, eh? Are you here to challenge The Great Daugther-Worm?
Well, good luck. But let it be known that Carcaxas won't go easy on anyone.
Gossip Tell me about Carcaxas.
Carcaxas was found here long ago when our tribe was still searching for a place to settle. She was just a little wormlet then!
We took her in, fed her, and trained her to be strong and recognize strength in others.
She has become one of us, bestowing her mark on only the strongest drogbar.
Oh yeah, and if you challenge her and aren't strong enough, she eats you.
Good luck!

Head in and defeat her. She'll flee at 20% health:

Carcaxas burrows underground and flees!

Winning the challenge debuffs the player with:

Spell deathknight explode ghoul.png Mark of a Champion — Immersing oneself in the slick goo of Caraxas bestows a powerful infusion of strength and vigor upon the bather. 3 min debuff

Dorogg has new gossip while buffed:

<Dorogg sniffs noisily at you.>
I can see you've been marked, champion. Now you're one of us!
Brogg will be happy too! No missing challenger to report. Besides, uplanders give Carcaxas a tummy ache, and she gets in a bad mood if we send her a weakling.


Optional breadcrumb: N [70] TICKET: Glimmerogg Games

  1. N [70] Pay to Play & N [70] Favor on the Side
  2. N [70] Rock By Rock
  3. N [70] Marked Champion

Patch changes

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