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Making the Underworld Go Round

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NeutralMaking the Underworld Go Round
Start Linny Leadfinger
End Linny Leadfinger
Level 78-80
Type Important Quest
Category The Weaver's Lair


Spend Kej at one of the vendors in the Weaver's Lair.


Hey there, 'Overcrawler.' You're lookin' more than a little out of your element there. You get run over by an airship or something?

Whatever. Doesn't matter. Take it from one outsider to another, if you're going to survive down here you're gonna need to learn the rules of the road. Gold's all well and good where you came from, but down here you're gonna need Kej, and lots of it.

Now here. Consider this a token of good will from Lady Pedipalps up there. Go get yourself something nice.


What, you allergic to retail therapy or something? Get out there and live a little!


Get a good look around? This place is pretty spooky, even for a savvy gal like me. But get enough Kej together and you'll be able to buy all sorts of stuff, both here and in the City of Threads.

<Linny looks you up and down.>

Then again, you're probably still gonna get eaten, so maybe look into fine nerubian gravestones.



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