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Linny Leadfinger

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NeutralLinny Leadfinger
Image of Linny Leadfinger
Title <Freelance Warscribe>
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 78-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Weaver's Lair, Azj-Kahet
Status Alive

Linny Leadfinger is a goblin located near Widow Arak'nai in the Weaver's Lair in Azj-Kahet.



If you got questions ask the Weaver.

I'm just here to take dictation.

Gossip Why are you here?

Oh, I'm puttin' this stuff in "code" so the other nerubians can't read it.
Yeah, it's in Common. Turns out Kaheti can't read so good. Their writing is all touch and scent based. The Weaver thought it would be a great way to keep her secrets from the locals.
They even have a hard time telling people apart. At first I thought they were just being... you know... spider centric or something. Then it turned out they literally can't tell a goblin from a trogg if it weren't for the smell.
Gossip I want to ask something else.

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