Mahka's Plea

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HordeMahka's Plea
Start Mahka
End Mahka
Level 10-30
Category Southern Barrens
Experience 820 XP
Rewards 9s
Previous B [10-30] Mangletooth, N [10-30] Echoes of Agamaggan


Talk to Mankrik.


I can't put him out of my mind, <name>. Sometimes at night, I can hear his howls of rage and suffering, echoing across the plains. To imagine him out there, alone and in such pain...

Please, I must ask a favor of you. Go to Mankrik, and tell him to come see me.


You will receive:


I am sorry to ask this of you, but I want him to come here. He needs to leave that place of death...


Thank you, <name>.


Mahka and Mankrik.

Return to Mankrik and talk to him again:

If his quests haven't been completed prior
You again... I hope you didn't put too much faith in your actions settling my spirit. I've realized there will be no peace without her, not anymore.
I will see their very homes razed. Are you ready to slay more of these disgusting murderers?
Gossip Mahka wants you to come see her, Mankrik.
Mankrik says: Mahka wishes to see me? ...very well. Return to her, I will follow.

Return to Firestone Point, where the following event will play out:

Mahka says: Come, Mankrik. Sit beside me and rest.
Mankrik grunts.
Mahka says: Look at this land, Mankrik. The Horde and Alliance tear the earth apart just to claw at each other in spite.
Mahka says: Such hatred is only bringing us destruction. I can see it in you as you fight the quilboar...your anger does nothing but wear you away.
Mahka says: You're destroying yourself, Mankrik.
Mankrik says: There is nothing left for me. I seek a warrior's death. Is that wrong?
Mahka says: You seek escape, not glory. It's suicide.
Mankrik says: So what if it is? Why do you even care?
Mahka says: Because...
Mahka says: Because despite what you think, there may be people in this world who would mourn your passing.
Mankrik says: Mahka...
Mahka says: Please, Mankrik. Let go. Set down your blade.
Mankrik says: This hatred has burned in me for years, Mahka. Your words cannot lift it from me so easily.
Mahka says: do not need to bear it alone. Just sit next to me and forget your troubles, if only for a while.
Mahka says: Come see me whenever you are weary.
Mankrik nods.
Mankrik says: ...thank you, Mahka.


  1. A [10-30] Firestone Point (from Fort Triumph) or H [10-30] Firestone Point (from Desolation Hold)
    1. A [10-30] A Growing Threat
    2. A [10-30] Mangletooth
    • Or
    1. H [10-30] Concern for Mankrik
    2. H [10-30] Don't Stop Bereavin'
    3. H [10-30] Mangletooth
    4. H [10-30] Mahka's Plea
  2. N [10-30] Blood of the Barrens
  3. N [10-30] Echoes of Agamaggan

Patch changes

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