Blood of the Barrens

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NeutralBlood of the Barrens
Start  [Carved Boar Idol]
End Mahka
Level 10-30
Category Southern Barrens
Experience 3,100
Rewards 35s
Next N [10-30] Echoes of Agamaggan


Collect 6 Blood Shard Trinkets from Razormane Quilboar.


This bright red stone, found clutched in the grasp of a quilboar, has been carefully carved into the likeness of a great boar, with thorny vines sprouting from its back. Its surface is smooth and worn with care.

Did the quilboar make this? If you find others, maybe one of the shaman at Firestone Point could tell you more about them.


  • 35s
  • 3,100 XP




These are blood shards. They used to be found all over the Barrens.

It's said they were formed from the blood of Agamaggan, the great demigod that the quilboar sprang from. I knew the quilboar prized them, but nobody would think they'd take the time and care to carve them like this one...

There may be more to learn here.


  1. A [10-30] Firestone Point (from Fort Triumph) or H [10-30] Firestone Point (from Desolation Hold)
    1. A [10-30] A Growing Threat
    2. A [10-30] Mangletooth
    • Or
    1. H [10-30] Concern for Mankrik
    2. H [10-30] Mahka's Plea
    3. H [10-30] Don't Stop Bereavin'
    4. H [10-30] Mangletooth
  2. N [10-30] Blood of the Barrens
  3. N [10-30] Echoes of Agamaggan

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