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Magmaclaw Snapper

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MobMagmaclaw Snapper
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Race Magmaclaw (Critter)
Level 72
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Zaralek Cavern
Status Killable

Magmaclaw Snappers are magmaclaws located in Zaralek Cavern.


  • Spell fire fireball02.png Fireball Volley — Inflicts 4 Fire damage to all enemies within 50 yards of the caster every 2 sec for 12 sec.
  • Inv misc claw deepcrab.png Lava Rush — Charges towards an enemy, inflicting Fire damage to any enemy caught in the path and reducing their movement speed by 30% for 4 sec.
  • Spell shaman spewlava.png Volcanic Burst — Inflicts 40 Volcanic damage to enemies within 12 yards.


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