Mag'har Orc (object)

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Mag'har Orc banner

The Mag'har Orc banner is in the Orgrimmar Embassy. Clicking it opens a window providing information about the mag'har orc allied race.


The window
To unlock this race

The orc clans of Draenor never drank the demon blood that corrupted their distant kin. Proud and defiant, they stood united as one tribe--the Mag'har. With their unrelenting courage and fierce sense of honor, the Mag'har now fight to claim a new home on Azeroth.

Racial Traits
[Ancestral Call] — Invokes the power of your ancestors, granting you their power.
[Open Skies] — Faster mount speed while outdoors.
[Sympathetic Vigor] — Pet health increased.
[Savage Blood] — Reduces the duration on all Poisons, Diseases and Curse effects on you.

Patch changes

External links