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Lurking Tempest

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Main article: Grand Vizier Ertan
MobLurking Tempest
No image available
Race Air elemental (Elemental)
Level 30-35 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Vortex Pinnacle
Status Killable
Original model.

Lurking Tempests are air elementals seen throughout the Vortex Pinnacle as well as during the Grand Vizier Ertan encounter.


  • Ability ambush.png Lurk — This creature can only attack enemies when they aren't looking.
    • This ability rapidly restores the Lurking Tempest's health when active.
Boss encounter
  • Spell nature lightning.png Lightning Bolt (Heroic mode) 80 yd range — Blasts an enemy with lightning, inflicting 6562 to 8437 (14875 to 19125) Nature damage. 1.5 sec cast.


When the Lurking Tempest is approached or attacked it feigns death. While in this state of apparent death, the mob appears to be inactive and will pursue no attacks, however it will regain 10% of its hp per tick and therefore remains largely unaffected by most attacks. It is immobile to start with and appears to be immune to stun effects.

When a party's back is turned, however, it will pop up and begin casting lightning spells at nearby players or pets. Although its death is unnecessary - it does not even drop money or items - players have found the elemental easier to defeat by turning their backs and using Area of Effect spells to damage it.

The Lurking Tempest is commonly compared to the Boo ghosts from the Mario Brothers video game series.

Patch changes

External links