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Loyalist Sycophant

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MobLoyalist Sycophant

Loyalist Sycophant.jpg

Loyalist Sycophant female.jpg

Race Nightborne (Humanoid)
Level 45 Normal / Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Suramar

Loyalist Sycophants are nightborne located in Suramar.


  • Ability mage arcanebarrage.png Arcane Bolt — Hurls a bolt of energy at an enemy, inflicting Arcane damage.

Objective of


  • Guards, what do we pay you for? Kill this beast!
  • I'm too rich to die like this!
  • Su'esh is on the loose! Flee!
  • We're all going to die!
  • Aargh!
  • Anath'ashar!
  • Arash-falas...
  • Forgive me... Elisande.
  • I cannot lose to a lowborn!
  • Im... impossible.
  • It is hopeless to resist...
  • Lowborn scum!
  • No mercy for outlanders!
  • No! It is not my time....
  • None may challenge us!
  • Scum like you should obey your betters.
  • The shal'dorei will rule!
  • This cannot be...
  • Tor'theras falar!
  • Tremble before our strength!
  • We are... the chosen ones...
  • We have... failed.
  • You will bow to us!
  • Your death is certain!
  • Your death is fated!
  • Your star is fading!

Patch changes

External links