Sick of the Sycophants

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NeutralSick of the Sycophants
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Type Rare Elite World Quest
Category Suramar
Reputation +250 The Nightfallen
Rewards Varies



Chief Telemancer Oculeth says: My preparations are complete. Let us see how the nobles of Suramar react to the warp-delivery of Withered!


Chief Telemancer Oculeth says: What delicious irony! Chaos erupts among the nobles as those they cast out are warped onto their very doorsteps!



Without flying, you can go to [57, 65] at Moonlit Landing and go into the two-story building by the harbor (if you've done Court of Stars, it's the very first one you enter at the beginning from the gondola). The ground floor has two Sycophants. Go to the other entrance upstairs, with another Sycophant on the bed, and outside there are groups of Sycophants. Once you've used your Telemancy Orbs to spawn enough whithered in the room to your liking, you can aggro the groups as you like, pulling them back towards the room. Once you get close, the whithered will run out to attack the target and any other aggroed mobs.

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