Lost Quill

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NeutralLost Quill
Image of Lost Quill
Race Animated object (Uncategorized)
Level 50-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Banewood, Revendreth

The Lost Quill is an animated object located in the Banewood in Revendreth. If given a bottle of  [Forbidden Ink], it will let the adventurer summon it whenever needed through the  [Refilling Inkwell].



St--stay back!

Oh, you're not here to force me to commit those awful acts to parchment?

Those venthyr deprived me of my ink for refusing to transcribe their "research." If you can even call it that.

Can you help me? Without my ink I am powerless!

Gossip Here, I found this ink bottle.

Thank you, kind <race>! I am in your debt.

Patch changes

External links