Loose Ends (Azure Span)

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For the Alliance War Campaign quest, see A [60] Loose Ends.
NeutralLoose Ends
Start Old Grimtusk
End Old Grimtusk
Level 65-68
Category The Azure Span
Experience 12,250
Reputation +1500 Iskaara Tuskarr
Rewards Tuskarr Spirit Shawl#Rare
55g 24s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [65-68] Barst Recruited, N [65-68] Varsek Recruited, & N [65-68] Naluki's Letter


File:Frostbite (gnoll).jpg
It's time to end Frostbite's cruel reign.

Confront Frostbite at the Snowhide Camp in the Azure Span.


If there's anything I learned from my time out in the wilderness, it's that if you don't deal with an evil when you find it. If you don't break its bones and dig up its roots, it'll just keep growing. And then it'll be harder to kill.

These mountains were plagued with Frostbite's existence when I was a young pup like you, and it will only get worse once he takes full control of the Snowhide tribe.

I should have done something about him long ago, but we're the only one who can right that mistake now.


You will receive:


We cannot rest until Frostbite and the Snowhide gnolls have been dealt with.


Let's never do this again.


Upon accept
Old Grimtusk says: Good. Send out a signal when you're ready, and we'll be there.

Head to the Upper Frostlands and interact with a Campfire at [59.05, 44.25].

Old Grimtusk, Naluki, Barst, and Varsek appear.
Old Grimtusk says: Good. Send out a signal when you're ready, and we'll be there.
Old Grimtusk says: We're here.
Old Grimtusk says: Let's get this over with.
Old Grimtusk yells: Frostbite! Get your filthy fur out here!
Old Grimtusk yells: Don't make me go inside and drag you out. Because mark my words I--
Frostbite says: Is it death you looking for, little tuskarr?
Frostbite says: Frostbite show you death. <snarls>
Old Grimtusk says: Bold words for an overgrown hyena.
Old Grimtusk says: You brought some friends, but we still outnumber you!
Frostbite says: Silly little tuskarr. They are not here to fight you...
Snowhide Gnoll says: Hrrm?
Frostbite empowers himself through the two Snowhide Gnolls.
Old Grimtusk says: You disgust me. Come and finish this!
Old Grimtusk says: Take out those gnolls!
Varsek says: We're working on this gnoll!
Old Grimtusk says: No, the OTHER gnoll, scalebrain!

Take out the two Snowhide Gnoll to disrupt Frostbite's Ride the Lightning buff.

Snowhide Gnoll says: So... cold...
Frostbite yells: You pay for this!
At 60%
Old Grimtusk says: He's wounded! Put him in the ground for good!
Frostbite killed
Frostbite says: Frost...bite...
Naluki says: Is it... finally over?
Old Grimtusk says: He's very much dead. But you know the rules--no chat on the field. We're still very much in danger.
Old Grimtusk says: We'll see each other at the hideout. Go!
Naluki says: Some things never change...
Varsek says: Heh.
They all run in different directions.

Head back to the Hideaway, and approach the assembled gang:

Old Grimtusk says: Finally. I was about to start without you, <race>.
Upon completion
Old Grimtusk says: I... thank you. Couldn't have done that myself--especially now.
Naluki says: Well that's a first. You sure Frostbite didn't hit you in the head too hard?
Old Grimtusk says: Don't make it weird.
Varsek says: Does that mean the team is back?
Old Grimtusk says: No.
Old Grimtusk says: ....maybe. We shall see. But first we rest.


  1. N [65-68] No Vengeance on an Empty Stomach
  2. Complete all of:
  3. N [65-68] Loose Ends

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