Lifebinder's Cell

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Lifebinder's Cell.

The Lifebinder's Cell is the terrible place where the Dragon Aspect Alexstrasza was chained within Grim Batol during the Second War and where her tormented offspring forced to serve the demon-corrupted Old Horde.


WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

During the war, Nekros Skullcrusher often came to Alexstrasza's cell to taunt and torment her. In order to keep her prisoner, the room was watched over by a fire golem manifested through the Demon Soul's powers.[1][2]

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Alexstrasza may be free, but the beast known as Erudax still corrupts Alexstrasza's offspring in her old cell.

