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Lich (The Third Fall of Kel'Thuzad)

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MobFel'endae / Mal'endra / Rathborne / Thultain

Named lich unarmored.jpg

Named lich armored.jpg

Race Lich (Undead)
Level 60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House of Rituals
Location House of Rituals, Maldraxxus
Status Killable

A large number of liches appear throughout the House of Rituals during N [60] The Third Fall of Kel'Thuzad. Their names are randomly chosen from one of four options—Fel'endae, Mal'endra, Rathborne, and Thultain—meaning that there are often multiple liches with the same name in each stage of the scenario. Which lich uses which name differs in each playthrough on the quest; for example, in one playthrough the player might encounter three Fel'endaes and two Rathbornes, while in another they might see six Mal'endras, three Rathbornes, and two Fel'endaes. Furthermore, they can spawn with one of two models, either unarmored or armored.

In the quest's second stage, two named liches can be seen overseeing the battle at the house's southern entrance from behind a barricade atop a flight of stairs. Two more guard the stairs leading up to Baroness Ninadar. Later, three named liches can be seen assisting Kel'Thuzad in his ritual at the Prime Arcanum, with two more protecting the Shield Stabilization Crystals powering the barrier around the ritual and many more scattered around the Arcanum and the neighboring Reagentry areas. The player has to kill the two crystal guardians for the quest's fifth stage. When Kel'Thuzad finishes his ritual, the three liches assisting him sacrifice themselves to open a portal for the Maw Infernous.


  • Ability mage waterjet.png Freezing Blast — A cresting wave of ice surges over players in a line in front of the caster, dealing Frost damage on impact and knocking enemies back.
  • Spell frost frostarmor02.png Frost Armor — Reduces damage taken.
  • Spell frost frostbolt02.png Frostbolt — Deals Frost damage to an enemy and slows their movement speed.

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