Leper Gnome (mob)

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For the race as a whole, see leper gnome.
MobLeper Gnome
Image of Leper Gnome
Race Leper gnome (Humanoid)
Level 8 - 10
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Gnomeregan, Dun Morogh
Status Killable
In Hearthstone.

Leper Gnomes are found in the non-instanced area of Gnomeregan in western Dun Morogh. Razzle Sprysprocket described these gnomes as "horrific, mindless, [and] evil-doing." He and Ozzie Togglevolt hoped to revert them to their former selves using a machine called the Recombobulator.


Objective of


  • I'll cut you!

In Hearthstone

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

The Leper Gnome appears as a common card in Hearthstone. The flavor text reads: "He really just wants to be your friend, but the constant rejection is starting to really get to him."

Patch changes

External links

es:Gnomo paria (mob)