Layla Evenkeel

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AllianceLayla Evenkeel
Image of Layla Evenkeel
Title <Engineering Trainer>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-50
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Tradewinds Market, Boralus
Status Alive

Layla Evenkeel is a human located at the Tradewinds Market in Boralus. She runs an engineering shop named Evenkeel's Engineered Marvels.


Item Cost
Blacksmithing and engineering items
 [Arclight Spanner] 9s 47c
 [Luminous Flux] 5g
 [Machinist's Oil] 5g
5x  [Insulated Wiring] 1s
 [Chemical Blasting Cap] 1g 15s
 [Mining Pick] 1s 23c
 [Blacksmith Hammer] 1c
 [Weak Flux] 1s
 [Strong Flux] 20s
 [Durable Flux] 30s
 [Elemental Flux] 3g
 [Coal] 5s
 [Hypersensitive Azeritometer Sensor] 5,000g

She also sells  [Book of Schematics: Ub3r-Spanner] for 1,100g after B Engineering [50] The Ub3r-Spanner has been completed.



  • If I increase the strength of the initial charge, I could also increase the yield of the payload... and what is the likelihood that it would ever backfire?
  • Where did I put that spanner?
  • You know... I still need to finish that Sky Golem I was working on.
  • You there! Would you like to solve puzzles where failure could result in your death or being turned into chicken? If so, you should consider learning how to be an engineer!


Curious about the engineering trade?

Trainer Train me in Engineering.
Buy Let me browse your goods.

Patch changes

External links