Lareth Beld

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AllianceLareth Beld
Image of Lareth Beld
Title <Mage Trainer>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 5-30
Class Mage
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gilneas
Location Lor'danel, Darkshore
Status Alive

Lareth Beld is a human mage trainer located at Lor'danel in Darkshore.


Mage gossip

Greetings mage. Shall I provide you with further insight into the world of magic?

Gossip Enter the Proving Grounds

Gossip I want to talk about the Arcane Momentum technique.

Arcane Momentum is a technique that allows a mage to use their physical momentum to dictate the direction of their Blink spell rather than the basic technique of Blinking in the direction you are facing.
Gossip I would like to unlearn Arcane Momentum and Blink the direction I am facing. <or> Gossip I would like to learn Arcane Momentum and Blink the direction I am facing.

Well met, <class>. My advice to you is this: As you travel the world, be wary of magic for it will burn the untrained.

Patch changes

External links