Laeni Silvershot

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NeutralLaeni Silvershot
Image of Laeni Silvershot
Title <Hemet's Hunting Party>
Gender Female
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Class Hunter
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Hemet's Hunting Party
Location Nesingwary's Retreat, Highmountain[40.0, 52.2]
Status Alive

Laeni Silvershot is a blood elf quest giver and a member of Hemet's Hunting Party found at Nesingwary's Retreat in Highmountain. She sends adventurers to hunt down the cursed moose spirit, Morashu, and later participates in the fight against Irewing at her nest in Pinerock Basin.


  • Ability hunter improvedsteadyshot.png Multi-Shot — Fire a volley of arrows, inflicting Physical damage to enemies within a 40-yard cone.
  • Ability marksmanship.png Shoot — Shoots at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.



Initial gossip
Hemet only allows those with exceptional hunting skills to join his hunting party.
Gossip after N [10-45G3] Moose on the Loose

You've more than proven your worth. It was an honor to hunt beside you and Addie.

Main article: A Hunter at Heart#Notes
A demon hunter entering the camp
Laeni Silvershot says: You weren't lying, Elias[sic]. The Demon Hunters are on the loose. Be careful - with those eyes, <name> sees everything.

Patch changes

External links