Krell the Serene

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MobKrell the Serene
Image of Krell the Serene
Title <Blademaster of the Blackfang>
Gender Male
Race Saberon (Humanoid)
Level 43 Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Blackfang tribe
Occupation Blademaster
Location Fang'rila, Tanaan Jungle
Status Killable

Krell the Serene is saberon located at Fang'rila in the Tanaan Jungle.


  • Ability whirlwind.png Bladestorm — In a whirlwind of steel you attack all enemies within 8 yards, causing weapon damage from both melee weapons to each enemy.
  • Ability warrior bladestorm.png Bladestorm — Instantly Whirlwind all nearby targets and for the next 6 sec you will perform a whirlwind attack every 1 sec. While under the effects of Bladestorm, you can move but cannot perform any other abilities.
  • Ability criticalstrike.png Deadly Strike — Critically strike at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Spell frost stun.png Keen Edge — Charge through an enemy, stunning them for 2 sec. When the stun fades, the target suffers Physical damage for being slashed.

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