Korthek's Student

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MobKorthek's Student
Image of Korthek's Student
Race Sethrak (Humanoid)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Faithless
Location Sacred Sands and Skycallers' Spire, Vol'dun
Status Killable
Mentor(s) Emperor Korthek

Korthek's Students are sethrak located all over the Sacred Sands and the central part of the Skycallers' Spire in Vol'dun. Most of them are in groups, either roaming the area, standing around one of the great bonfires, or sitting near and listening to speaking Faithless Scrollkeepers, Skycallers, or Spireguards.


  • For the Emperor!
  • For the glory of the sethrak empire!
  • Let your death be a lesson to the others!
  • Like sand, you will be scattered and forgotten!
  • Our empire's dawn is your extinction!
  • The sands will swallow you!
  • We have dominion over all!
  • We will eradicate you like insects!
  • You cannot stop the sands from spreading!
  • You will shatter like glass!
  • Your lands are next to fall!
  • I failed you... Korthek...
  • My death... will be... avenged...
  • My life... for the empire...
  • The sands... will spread...
  • This cannot be...
  • This is not... the end...
  • We will not... be stopped...
  • You have not... won...

Objective of

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