Kora Fullsails

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NeutralKora Fullsails
Image of Kora Fullsails
Title <Food and Provisions>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Obsidian Bulwark, Waking Shores
Status Alive

Kora Fullsails is a human located at the Obsidian Bulwark in the Waking Shores. The Fullsails Supply Chest is found behind her, opened with  [Fullsails Supply Chest Key].


Inv drink 15.png 5x [Cup o' Wakeup]
2g 50s
Inv misc food lunchbox white.png 5x [Explorer's Mix]
3g 75s
Inv thanksgiving stuffing.png 5x [Hearty Squash Stew]
3g 75s
Inv drink 09.png [Kul Tiran Red]
Inv misc food 128 fish.png 5x [Salt-Baked Scalebelly]
2g 50s
Inv drink 32 disgustingrotgut.png 5x [Swog Slurp]
2g 50s



I bring a shipment of supplies in for the Blacktalons every two weeks.

Let me know if there's special items you need. I have lots of connections.

Buy Let me browse your goods.

Patch changes

External links