King's Guard (Lordaeron)

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For the ogre organization of the same name, see King's Guard (Highmaul). For other royal guards, see Royal Guard.
Guards in the imperial chamber about to apprehend Medivh.

The King's Guard was the guard force of the Menethil family, the royal house of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. They had a distinctive uniform.[1]


During the Alterac crisis, members of the King's Guard were stationed outside the gates of the royal palace in Capital City, while paladins from the Knights of the Silver Hand (who were not normally part of the palace's defenses) stood guard inside.[1]

A couple of the guards shooed Medivh away from the palace's imperial chamber when the mage failed to convince King Terenas of sailing west before the Third War.[2]

Many of the guards were killed when Prince Arthas murdered his father Terenas and unleashed the Scourge on Capital City during the Scourging of Lordaeron.[3][4] Apparently, some surviving royal guards later joined the Alliance resistance under Lord Othmar Garithos. A group of them—led by a paladin—were part of the forces that tried to stop the blood elves and Illidan's Naga from escaping Dalaran.[5]

Known members



  1. ^ a b Day of the Dragon, chapter 6, pg. 91
  2. ^ The Warning
  3. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 16, pg. 236 (paperback): Dispatching the guards who charged [Arthas] upon the death of his father was a simple matter [...]
  4. ^ a b c d Before the Storm, chapter 4, pg. 41: [Emma Felstone's] sons had perished because of Arthas Menethil and his war on the living. They'd been warriors of Lordaeron, given places of honor as King Terenas's guards. They'd fallen along with their king and their kingdom.
  5. ^ The Crossing
  6. ^ Libram of the Dead: Blades of the Fallen Prince