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For the child in Elwynn Forest, see Kevin (human).
Image of Kevin
Race Ooze (Aberration)
Level 54 - 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House of Plagues, Undying Army
Location Bleak Redoubt and Seat of the Primus, Maldraxxus
Status Active
Companion(s) Plague Deviser Marileth (owner)

Kevin is a purple slime accompanying Plague Deviser Marileth in Maldraxxus. He is first seen with Marileth at the top of the Bleak Redoubt after completion of N [53-60] Fathomless Power, wearing a cake and a festive hat. During N [53-60] In Death We Are Truly Tested and N [53-60] The Door to the Unknown, Marileth and Kevin help defend the Seat of the Primus from Baron Vyraz's forces. During this time, Kevin appears green and wears a test tube rack. After completion of N [53-60] The Door to the Unknown, Marileth and Kevin—who is now back to purple and carrying a cauldron—relocate inside the Seat. In the Covenant Sanctum version of the Seat, Kevin can be found next to Marileth in the fortress' northwestern laboratory.

During the assault on the House of Constructs in Kyrian Righteous Retribution/Necrolord A Golden Dawn, Kevin accompanies Marileth at the Stitchyard. The slime—now wearing a bone and a horned helmet—later joins Marileth in the attack on Desmotaeron during An Army of Bone and Steel before returning to the Seat of the Primus to witness Draka's promotion in N [60] Filling an Empty Throne.



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