Keeping the Balance

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AllianceKeeping the Balance
Start Kyresh
End Kyresh
Level 91 (Requires 90)
Category Shadowmoon Valley
Experience 15,050
Rewards 15g 40s


Kill Snapgrip in The Arbitum.


Look at these teeth, friend. These stress markings suggest that the crocolisk are being subjugated by one of their own. When a crocolisk female grows large enough, she exerts dominance over her kin.

It is my duty as a hunter to ensure balance is restored to these creatures as thanks for their sacrifice for my own life.

Track down the beast and slay her while I tend to my wounds. She is likely at the far end of the arbitum.


You will receive:

  • 15g 40s
  • 15,050 XP

Patch changes

External links