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Kal'tik the Blight

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MobKal'tik the Blight
Image of Kal'tik the Blight
Race Mantid (Humanoid)
Level 30-35 Rare / Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Status Killable

Kal'tik the Blight is a rare mantid found north-west of the Setting Sun Garrison in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Kal'tik is a pandarian champion.


All mantid champions use the following abilities:

  • Ability rogue slicedice.png Blade Flurry — Swing weapons rapidly, inflicing Physical damage in a cone in front of the caster. 1.5 sec cast, 4 sec duration, 7 sec cooldown.
  • Ability druid galewinds.png Tornado — Summons a Tornado at the enemy's location. 1.8 sec cast.
  • Spell frost windwalkon.png Windsong — Renders the caster immune to roots and snares and increases attack speed by 55% and movement speed by 55%. 1 sec cast, 6 sec duration.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

  • Rogue paralytic poison.png Blight the Land — Expel a wave of blight, inflicting Nature damage at each impact point, leaving a patch of blight behind which inflicts Nature damage every 1 sec.
  • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Toxic Volley — Fires a series of toxic bolts at all nearby enemies, inflicting Nature damage and additional Nature damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
  • Ability poisonarrow.png Venom-Drenched Blades — Coats the caster's weapons with an excessive amount of poison, causing melee attacks to splash poison outwards, inflicting Nature damage in a cone in front of the caster.


Kal'tik the Blight always drops one of the following:

And has a chance to drop one or both of the following:

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Objective of


As a Pandarian champion, defeating Kal'tik the Blight is part of the following achievements:



The Mantid will cover this land, and devour all who oppose us!

Patch changes

External links