Jitters' Growling Gut

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AllianceJitters' Growling Gut
Start Jitters
End Chef Grual
Level 20 (Requires 17)
Category Duskwood
Experience 40–390
Reputation +25 Stormwind
Next A [20] Dusky Crab Cakes


Speak with Chef Grual.


I've been stuck hiding in this ghost town for weeks, and I haven't eaten anything but grubs and weeds! I need some decent food, and I'm willing to trade well for it.

Bring me a feast and I'll pay you handsomely.

I heard Chef Grual at the Scarlet Raven Tavern in Darkshire makes very good Dusky Crab Cakes...


You will receive:


You need some Crab Cakes, do you?  Well I might be able to cook some up for you...


  1. A [20] Jitters' Growling Gut
  2. A [20] Dusky Crab Cakes
  3. A [20] Return to Jitters

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