Dusky Crab Cakes (Classic)

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For the post-Cataclysm version of this quest, see A [10-30] Dusky Crab Cakes.
AllianceDusky Crab Cakes
Start Chef Grual
End Chef Grual
Level 20 (Requires 17)
Category Duskwood
Experience 775
Reputation +50 Stormwind
Rewards  [Recipe: Gooey Spider Cake]
Previous A [20] Jitters' Growling Gut
Next A [20] Return to Jitters


Gather 6 Gooey Spider Legs and bring them to Chef Grual in Darkshire.


I'll let you in on a little secret - Dusky "Crab" Cakes are really made from spider legs! I know it's a bit disgusting, but the cakes have a nice, tangy flavor and make great snacks! Bring me Gooey Spider Legs and I'll whip you up a few of them.

I hear Venom Web Spiders are a good source - they nest to the north, between the foothills and the river.


You will receive:


Hail, <name>.  Did you get those Gooey Spider Legs yet?


Ah yes, a nice clutch of legs you have there!  Let me just get these seasoned with my secret spices (no looking!) and get them to skittering on a skillet for a while...

And, although Dusky Crab Cakes are my specialty and I won't give out the recipe, here's the recipe for a dish that's almost as good.


  1. A [20] Jitters' Growling Gut
  2. A [20] Dusky Crab Cakes
  3. A [20] Return to Jitters

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