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Jeff Miller

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AllianceJeff Miller
Image of Jeff Miller
Title <Guild Emissary>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-40
Location Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley
Status Alive

Jeff Miller is a human located in the Town Hall of Lunarfall in Shadowmoon Valley.


Patch 6.0.2

Prove allegiance to your guild by conquering all the dungeons in Draenor with your guild mates. If you complete this task, I will help you display guild banners in your Garrison for all to see.

Patch 6.1.0

Prove allegiance to your guild by conquering all the dungeons in Draenor with your guild mates. Once you complete this task, you may purchase  [Garrison Guild Banners] from the Guild Vendor.

Come see me once you have acquired the item and I will help you display guild banners in your Garrison for all to see.

Garrison Guild Banners used

Interested in representing your guild here in Lunarfall?

Gossip I would like to display my guild's standards in the garrison.

Standards displayed

Gossip I would like to remove my guild's standards from the garrison.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

He is possibly related to Thomas Miller and Mike Miller.

Patch changes

External links