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Image of Jadefang
Race Shale spider (Beast)
Level 30-35 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Crumbling Depths, Deepholm
Pet family Shale beast

Jadefang is a rare shale spider found in the Crumbling Depths in Deepholm. The beast is located in a nook inside the cave system that is unreachable by foot.

Jadefang is desired by [Exotic Beasts] hunters as it is an exotic beast. It also drops the  [Tiny Shale Spider] non-combat pet.

Reaching Jadefang

Jadefang's nook is attached to the room just after the giant circulating gyreworm. The entrance is too high to enter normally. However, by using one of Ricket's Tickers, you can blow yourself upward and into it.

You (or another helping player) must be on the daily quest N [30-35 Daily] Underground Economy in order to obtain  [Ricket's Tickers]. This quest becomes available after the main quest storyline of Deepholm is completed.

To reach Jadefang, pass the giant gyreworm and go into a cave with five other exits, only two of them on the ground. You may either:

  • Take the first available exit on the right. The tunnel will curve around left, opening up back into the same room. If you have done (or are doing) N [30-35 Daily] Lost In The Deeps, you will note that this is the location where Pebble is found.


  • Blow yourself up to Pebble from the central cave with Ricket's Tickers as well. If you're unfamiliar with the Tickers, this will help finding out how they work. However, it is a more complicated "jump" than the next one.

From Pebble's tunnel, face the nook to your right, stand a few steps away from the edge, and use the Tickers. A bomb will appear just in front of your feet. Quickly walk forward a bit so that the bomb is right behind you. You may also aim at the nook with your back and just place the bomb in front of you without moving. When it explodes, it will propel you into the nook.

Jadefang, if present, is in the back of the nook.

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