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Image of Isengrimm
Title <The Iron Wolf>
Gender Male
Race Maldraxxi gladiator (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Burning Thicket, Maldraxxus
Status Killable

Isengrimm is a Maldraxxi gladiator located in the Burning Thicket in Maldraxxus.


  • Ability warrior charge.png Charge — Reduces the movement speed of the target by 70% for 1 sec. Charges to an enemy.
  • Inv knife 1h cataclysm b 01.png Hew — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy.

Objective of


Main article: That Darn Fox!#Notes


  • Isengrimm is a reference to the wolf Isengrim, the main adversary of the trickster fox Reynard in a cycle of medieval European fables.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
  • His title of "The Iron Wolf" is the same as Fenris Wolfbrother, suggesting that they may be the same person.

Patch changes

External links