Isaac Blastimov

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NeutralIsaac Blastimov
Image of Isaac Blastimov
Title <Unseen Path>
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Class Hunter
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Unseen Path
Occupation Engineer
Location Trueshot Lodge, Highmountain
Status Alive

Isaac Blastimov is a gnome located at Trueshot Lodge in Highmountain.

He collaborated with the goblin Bamm Megabomb to build two mechanical wolves, possibly to be their combat pets: Bamm's Treble and Isaac's Rush. They were each installed with a camouflage module and on Isaac's suggestion, programmed with free will. Bamm was in charge of installing tracking units but either forgot or just never got around to it. Unfortunately, the robots decided to stealth and run away from Trueshot Lodge, and without tracking units became extremely hard to find.


Bamm Megabomb says: Maybe our camouflage module was a bit too effective.
Isaac Blastimov says: You were in charge of the tracking units!
Bamm Megabomb says: Well, it was your idea to give them free will!
Isaac Blastimov says: If we are going to get Rush and Treble back, we're going to need some help...


  • Likely a reference to the scientist and author Isaac Asimov.

Patch changes

External links